STEMley Cup Champions: 2056 OP Robotics, 1114 Simbotics, 6135 Arctos

STEMley Cup Finalists: 2609 BeaverworX, 4917 Sir Lancerbot, 1334 Red Devils

PEO Engineering Excellence Award – judged award that celebrates form and function in an efficiently designed machine that effectively addresses the game challenge:  2702 Rebels

Awards (as voted by the teams in attendance):
Square Root Slap Shot (best offensive robot):  4939 Allspark9
Pythagorean PK (best defensive robot):  3015 Ranger Robotics
Frictionless Face Off (best autonomous):  1114 Simbotics
Parabolic Power Play (creative design, use of component, or strategy):  5719 Pink Titans
Catalyst Assist (best buddy and team support in team development, event preparation and during the event):  1334 Red Devils
Buoyant Break Away (pre-rookie, rookie, or young team all-star):  6378 LYNX
Second Derivative Rebound (most improved from competition season):  6135 Arctos
Hip? Check! (best team imagery):  1360 Orbit Robotics
Hat Trig (best all round team that can serve as a role model to others; strong robot, team spirit, and Gracious Professionalism):  2056 OP Robotics